Saturday 9 April 2011

Windows at the Epcor Centre

These are some prints that were made for these windows with the bar down the middle. They're hanging in the display windows outside the Max Bell Theatre in the Epcor Centre until June 21st. 

Friday 1 April 2011

Local Imprint at ArtPoint Gallery

I have two prints for sale in a member's show with Alberta Printmakers. The opening is tonight from 5-9pm and the show runs until April 31 at Artpoint (1139 11 Street S.E. Calgary) which is in Inglewood area. Here is a preview of the work in the form of screen "ghosts" or the ink that doesn't leave the screen after you print. They are a trace of every image that has been exposed on the screen, and so its a collaborative image. The lady with the gun, the text and the red floral pattern won't appear in my prints but they work nicely in these images.